...and I love music.
Even as a child, I enjoyed singing and making music so much that my family had to live with constant catchy tunes. It was clear to me: When I grow up, I will either be a marine biologist or a music teacher.
Well, at 158 cm, I haven't grown tall and I'm not a marine biologist either, but I'm a singer and music teacher with great passion.
You can find out exactly how this happened in the CV read up.
If you are interested in what I like about the profession singer or Music teacher I'm so excited that I see it as my life's work to pass on my joy of music to you, so feel free to take a look at the corresponding pages.
There you will also find information about the teaching offerings for the voice, to the ongoing ones music courses, or a selection of mine concert offer, which shows examples for which you can book me.
If you would like to find out more about me, then write to me or watch a few more personal information at.
In May 1990 my voice was heard for the first time in Donauwörth Hospital. As a small child, I took part in the early musical education at the Erding music school so enthusiastically that it was not surprising to see myself later as a member of the children's choir “Gospelsternchen” from Haag an der Amper. With this I was then able to do concert tours, CD recordings and TV recordings. I was able to live out my passion for music and singing at the Camerloher Gymnasium Freising and in solo singing lessons at the 3klang music school until I graduated from high school in 2011. At the age of 16, I decided to study music, which I later pursued at the University of Music and Theater in Munich and the Leopold Mozart Center at the University of Augsburg. I completed my training there with a Bachelor of Music in the profiles of singing pedagogy, elementary music pedagogy and a specialization in music therapy. In addition to many advanced training courses, I completed a certificate course in the pedagogy of popular singing with the Professional Association of German Singing Pedagogues, which also qualified me to become an Estill Level 1 teacher.
Today I work employed and freelance as a singer and music teacher - and I am happy to have turned my passion into a career. The Freising municipal music school I support you in the department Elementary music & dance pedagogy and musical. At the 3Klang music school I am the regional school director in the east of Munich, formerly specialist management of the EMP, and educator for the basic musical subjects and singing employed. I love my work because it's nice to share my passion for music with colleagues, pass it on and create new projects.
I am a freelancer Singing teacher active, and lead a fulfilling concert life as Singer. My projects always bring me together with exciting people and institutions, such as the Augsburg State Theater. I particularly enjoy doing concerts for children, singing at weddings or baptisms, and enriching important life events with my sounding voice.
I am currently completing a 3-year certificate course to become an authorized Complete Vocal Technique teacher at the CVI Institute in Copenhagen in 2026.
I love the diversity of music and enjoy being inspired by various further training courses.
Where will you go professionally and privately? - I'll let that happen. In any case it will be full of sound.
(A selection)
Office for Culture, Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate
Augsburg State Theater, music education
Parish of St. Laurentius, Haag
Seeon Monastery, Upper Bavaria Cultural and Education Center
KOM, cultural workshop, Olching
Music school 3klang gGmbH, Freising
Music school of the city Freising
Gersthofen Music Center
Schafhof, European Art Forum Upper Bavaria, Freising
Summer miracle, Freising
Tambosi Opera Munich
Uferlos Festival, Freising
Yehudi Menuhin - Live Music now, Augsburg
(A selection)
2023 premiere: The Story of Jaromir
2022 premiere:Telemann on the phone
2020/2021 digital workshop concert"Opera Suitcase",Augsburg State Theater.
2019-2021 Elementary music education topic courses, online
2018 workshop concert "The Experience of Small Trees" for the exhibition of the artist Volker Patalong
2017 Music project, special education girls' dormitory "Mosaik" Augsburg
2016 music project, child and adolescent psychiatry Erlangen
2016 premiere:Wolferl traveling
2015“EarLab PUR”, MORE MUSIC!, City of Augsburg Cultural Office
Eye color
Hair color
Vocal compartment
English (B2), Italian (A2)
Special skills
various teaching units, Ride
Favorite music
Disney I Musical I Schumann I Debussy I Donizetti I
Everything I'm singing right now
What else Anna likes to do?
Reading a good book and drinking tea I Feeling sunshine on your face I Having valuable conversations with friends I Cooking (preferably with garlic) I Playing board and card games I Feeling the connection to the horse while riding I Listening to cats purring I Relaxing in the bathtub with music by Sven Wildör I Planting something in the garden and watching it grow I Latin dancing.
Sabine Lahm (singing) IEdda Sevennich (vocals)I Daniela Denschlag (vocals)I Sibylla Rubens (vocals)I Alice Oskera- Burghardt (vocals) I Sascha Wienhausen (vocals) I Petra Scheeser (vocals) I Alexander Gelhausen (vocals) I Noelle Turner (vocals) I Claudia Schmidtpeter (EMP) I Andrea Friedhofen (EMP) I Sonja Hildebrandt (EMP) I Christa Coogan (Dance) I Miriam Lente (Dance) I Dr. Tonius Timmermann (music therapy) I Markus Sommerer (music therapy)
On a summer vacation I couldn't get enough of the song "Killing me softly". I had also just discovered the joy of my very high head voice. So it happened that I took the song to unimagined heights sang up and down for weeks. It's just stupid that my family had to endure it with me for three weeks on a 25 m² sailing ship. At the end of the holiday everyone probably knew the song by heart - and knew that you could sing to unimagined heights with your head voice. Good thing my family survived this gentle ordeal and wasn't killed softly.
As a child, I really wanted to become a marine biologist. I've always been fascinated by the colorful underwater world, but I think my favorite series from back then, "Ocean Girl", had infected me. Although I actually have difficulty equalizing pressure with my ears and find it somehow scary underwater despite the fascination (big spider crabs, etc.), as a child that didn't stop me from wanting to become a marine biologist and then, of course, like Ocean Girl, being able to breathe underwater and communicate with humpback whales through song. I even took a diving course in 2023, but unfortunately I still can't sing with whales.
I love fairy tale books. You can listen to the carefully chosen words that pass on our language as cultural assets, immerse yourself in fantastic worlds and learn from them. Unfortunately, there isn't always time to dream. So once upon a time there was a daydreaming Anna who forgot to pay at the gas station because of her dreams. Thankfully, Anna soon noticed and the employees were super nice so she was allowed to come back later. And the moral of the story: Don't forget real life.
"Killing me softly"
"Sea horror"
Unbedingt wollte ich als Kind Meeresbiologin werden. Die bunte Unterwasserwelt faszinierte mich schon immer, doch ich denke meine Lieblingsserie von damals, "Ocean girl", hatte mich angesteckt. Obwohl ich eigentlich mit meinen Ohren beim Druckausgleich Schwierigkeiten habe und es unter Wasser trotz der Faszination auch irgendwie gruselig finde (große Seespinnen, etc.), hat mich das als Kind nicht von meinem Wunsch abgehalten Meeresbiologin werden zu wollen, um dann narürlich wie Ocean girl Unterwasser atmen und mit Buckelwalen durch Gesang kommunizieren zu können. 2023 habe ich sogar einen Tauchkurs gemacht, doch mit Walen singen kann ich leider immer noch nicht.
"Fairy tale at the gas station"
Ich liebe Märchenbücher. Man kann den sorsam gewählten Worten lauschen, die als Kulturgut unsere Sprache weiter geben, in fantastische Welten eintauchen und daraus lernen. Leider ist nicht immer Zeit zu träumen. Es war also einmal eine tagträumende Anna, die bei der Tankstelle vor lauter Träumen vergaß zu bezahlen. Gottseidank hat Anna es bald bemerkt und die Angestellten waren super nett, sodass sie einfach später wieder kommen durfte. Und die Moral von der Geschicht: Vergiss das echte Leben nicht.
Nice that you are interested in my logo. I put a lot of thought and creative attempts behind me so that today it looks like you can see it. Would you like to know what's behind it?
You can read it here.
The musical bird
I have always been interested in these chirping, living creatures that announce joy, usher in a season of growth in spring, and whose sounds can have such a calming effect on us. They sing so diversely and free, and have such confidence in themselves that they can hit the right notes. Everyone sings their own melody. Sometimes they chirp in a duet or adopt melodies that they hear into their singing and incorporate them into their own melodies.
The nightingale in particular, a small and inconspicuous brown-gray bird, sings a particularly diverse range of verses. So it's no wonder that many composers such as Beethoven, Grieg, Chopin, and many more wanted to express their singing musically. The little singer is popular due to his uniqueness and his sometimes sighing song, which often sounds at dusk. Often used in poetry for word images on the subject of mystery, longing and love, and is therefore part of many poems and songs.
Unique, free, original, diverse, communicative and happy to sing new melodies, also corresponds to my nature and my desire to pass this on in concerts or lessons. So the figure of a nightingale became the Basis for my musical bird, whose diversity becomes visible in the musical symbols from which it was composed.
Can you find all the characters in the logo?
short crescendo
treble clef
Eighth break
Breathing sign
in the above order. Head and eye, beak, body, upside down as left leg, upside down as right leg.
The circle/moon
The nightingale likes to sing at dusk, when the moon is about to rise. the sun will replace the sky. Both of these forces of nature usually appear as a circle, which we also perceive as a symbol of something whole and perfect. The moon, like our voice and mood, is also a mirror of our soul and reminds us of change and change, acceptance and surrender, and unity with nature. The sound waves that our ears perceive as the first developed sense in the womb also spread out in a circle.
Harmony is also important when making music and singing. Relaxation and stretching, body and mind, teacher and student must come into balance and find each other in order to create living music together.
As a singer, my full, rounded voice is also popular. And because my voice and my teaching are as lively and diverse as the arts, the circle finds itself in colorful watercolors for various occasions.